Academy status
International Academy of Science and Higher Education (IASHE, London, UK) is a scientific and educational organization that combines sectoral public activities with the implementation of commercial programs designed to promote the development of science and education as well as to create and implement innovations in various spheres of public life.
In the sphere of public scientific and educational activities the Academy acts as a voluntary association, formed on the basis of common interests of its founders and members, as well as representatives of scientific and educational communities of the UK and other states. Activities of the Academy are directed to:
- joint realization of rights and freedoms in the filed of education and science by these persons and other representatives of general public;
- organization and execution of professional assessment in accordance with international standards of scientific research and educational activities;
- globalization and organizational formalization of international scientific and educational community;
- creation of necessary preconditions for development and practical implementation of innovations;
- creation of conditions for development of international scientific communications and cooperation;
- global distribution of scientific information;
- ensuring the international mobility of scientists, researchers, teachers, professionals and trainees;
- ensuring the mutual recognition of foreign scientific and educational qualifications by professional societies and government agencies of different countries;
- creation of conditions for ensuring the wide recognition of scientific achievements and their authors;
- resolution of urgent scientific problems;
- creation and implementation of innovative teaching methods for various specialists;
- popularization of scientific knowledge and creativity;
- ensuring the increasing role of science in social environment and its influence on the development of key social processes and institutions;
- ensuring the general ethic, cultural and intellectual progress of humanity.
While carrying out its core activities the Academy also implements effective programs in other areas of public life, directly related to the dynamics of development of civilized international scientific and educational processes in Europe and in global community.
Besides a beneficial effect on the development of social progress in the field of commercial activity the Academy focuses on realization of educational programs and innovative research and educational projects that can make profit.
The Academy is a public scientific and educational professional organization that does not seek to achieve any political goals.
The Academy is a legal entity registered (legalized) in the UK in 2010.
In accordance with the constituent documents the Academy is a hybrid corporation that includes systems of organizational, commercial, social and scientific (professional) management.
- assistance in realization of rights and freedoms of members and other persons interested in science and education;
- assistance in protection of copyright and related rights of scientists, researchers and inventors;
- creation and development of systems of organization, ensuring and execution of professional assessment on the basis of international standards of scientific research and educational activity;
- promoting the globalization and organizational formalization of international scientific and educational community;
- creation of conditions for the development of international scientific communications and cooperation;
- creation of necessary prerequisites for development and practical implementation of innovations;
- creation and development of means and instruments of global distribution of scientific data;
- assistance in ensuring the international mobility of scientists, researchers, teachers, professionals and trainees;
- assistance in ensuring the mutual recognition of foreign scientific and educational qualifications by professional societies and government agencies of different countries;
- assistance in creation of conditions for ensuring the wide recognition of scientific achievements and their authors;
- assistance in resolution of urgent scientific problems;
- creation and implementation of innovative teaching methods for various specialists;
- popularization of scientific knowledge and creativity;
- ensuring the increasing role of science in social environment and its influence on the development of key social processes and institutions;
- ensuring the general ethic, cultural and intellectual progress of humanity.
- generation of instruments for ensuring international scientific communications (these instruments are stable and available for representatives of different countries);
- organization and execution of scientific researches, directed to acquisition of new information about laws of nature development, the society and a man (these researches promote technological, economic, social and cultural development of mankind);
- every kind of assistance to the development of science in the EU and outside it;
- strengthening of worldwide communication and interaction between science and education, promotion of various forms and types of educational activities;
- improving the social prestige of scientific activities as well as the status and social protection of science and education public figures;
- promotion and all-round support of researches and progressive scientists — innovators;
- representation and protection of collective and individual rights and interests of the Academy members;
- design and development of common international non-governmental policy in the field of professional certification of scientific and scientific-educational staff, academic recognition and mobility (based on international legal standards and respect from the side of state authorities towards the civil society in the European region and in other countries in the world);
- assistance in widening of university and academic activities concerning the recognition of training courses, certificates, diplomas and degrees obtained in any country of the European region or other countries of the world (taking conventions of the Council of Europe and UNESCO concerning the university and academic education and qualifications into account);
- consolidation of higher educational institutions (ready and willing to develop in terms the Bologna process) within common strategy of professional scientific and public training and certification of scientific personnel in Europe and in the rest of the world, global integration, harmonization and internationalization of education and research activities;
- formation of an integrated and centralized system of non-governmental scientific and public attestation of scientific and educational high skilled personnel, controlled by professional scientific community and relevant countries of Europe and outside it;
- execution of scientific-certification and nostrification activities as well as carrying out the related functions within the international system of academic recognition and mobility (having the national and international status of non-governmental body, competent in matters of assessment and recognition of academic qualifications of higher education in Europe and outside it);
- control and coordination of activities of the interested legal entities and individuals in the field of attestation of scientific and educational staff of the highest qualification;
- promoting the improvement of qualitative composition of scientific and teaching staff, enhancement of efficiency of its training and usage, taking the needs of the society and the state, prospects of development of science, education, technology and culture into account;
- foundation and development of higher and professional education institutions;
- implementation of innovative educational programs and methods.
- carrying out fundamental and applied scientific studies concerning the most significant problems of natural, technical, social sciences and humanities as well as participation in coordination of fundamental scientific studies, carried out by scientific organizations and educational institutions of higher professional education;
- studying and analysis of achievements of the world science with a purpose of using them in interests of the world community;
- participation in development and realization of scientific and technical programs of various levels, assessment of major scientific and technical projects, development and realization of international nature-conservative policy;
- training and attestation of scientific staff of highest qualification through the Academy system of scientific attestation or higher educational institutions of different countries of the world involved in activities of the Academy or supporting its statutory aims and goals;
- holding of events directed to detection and support of talented researchers; assisting young scientists in their creative development;
- development of integration of academic science and researches in various fields of knowledge, carried out within the educational system; participation in training and retraining of specialists with higher education;
- strengthening the scientific connections and interrelations with academies of sciences in different countries and with other national and international scientific organizations, which carry out fundamental and applied researches;
- strengthening of connections between science and production, participation in innovative activities, realization of achievements of science and technology, promoting the development of science-related sectors of world economy;
- organization and carrying out expeditions and field studies (in various fields of science);
- keeping and studying the archival documents and funds; keeping, studying and public presentation of museum pieces and museum collections, belonging to museum funds of the Academy and its partners;
- development of international scientific cooperation, participation in international programs and projects, realization of legal types of foreign economic activities;
- participation in promotion and popularization of science, scientific and technical knowledge and achievements.