History: GISAP

From 2011 till 2019 the Academy has been implementing a project called the Global International Scientific and Analytical Project (GISAP).
Initially, the project was seen by its author Borys Zhytnigor and the Academy administration as an innovative product designed to significantly expand the opportunities for self-realization of creative researchers and international scientific cooperation.
The project was aimed at providing the platform for experimental testing of the submitted intellectual programs, as well as their subsequent improvement through scientific and educational processes.
39474 researchers representing 98 countries of the world and 1253 universities participated in the GISAP project in the course of implementation. 167 international scientific conferences, 327 stages of championships in scientific analytics and 27 international scientific congresses have been organized.
1734 winners and prize-winners of championships in scientific analytics of various levels were officially announced and awarded.
The following scientific and analytical degrees* have been granted: 75 educational degrees (advanced training); 43 creative Doctor, Professor and academic degrees; 17 bibliographic Doctor, Professor and academic degrees; 15 honorary — “authoritative” Doctor, Professor and academic degrees. 36 Pass the International Exam programs have been implemented.
The following supplementary (secondary) programs have been implemented: 27 innovations testing programs, 29 innovations implementation programs, 45 programs for research and teaching internships. 67 Europass Diploma Supplements and 63 Europass Mobility certificates have been issued. 87 IASHE medals have been awarded to progressive researchers and innovators.
18 original monographs, 173 collections of scientific works and 126 issues of 12 specialized scientific journals of the IASHE have been published.
While carrying out its core activities the Academy also implements effective programs in other areas of public life, directly related to the dynamics of development of civilized international scientific and educational processes in Europe and in global community.
Besides a beneficial effect on the development of social progress in the field of commercial activity the Academy focuses on realization of educational programs and innovative research and educational projects that can make profit.
The Academy is a public scientific and educational professional organization that does not seek to achieve any political goals.
The Academy is a legal entity registered (legalized) in the UK in 2010.
In accordance with the constituent documents the Academy is a hybrid corporation that includes systems of organizational, commercial, social and scientific (professional) management.
- the previous version of the Academy website — http://iashe.eu/;
- the project for certification of production (goods, services) quality and innovation patenting — http://academy.iuci.eu/;
- the project “GISAP” — http://gisap.eu/;
- the project “MISAP” — http://misap.gisap.eu/;
- the educational and scientific programs — http://university.iashe.eu/;
- the social network for intellectuals — http://www.platonick.gisap.eu/;
- the websites of 12 British scientific journals of the IASHE: http://philology.gisap.eu/; http://education.gisap.eu/; http://biovet.gisap.eu/; http://culture.gisap.eu/; http://earth.gisap.eu/; http://ecojuris.gisap.eu/; http://history.gisap.eu/; http://medicine.gisap.eu/; http://physchemath.gisap.eu/; http://psychology.gisap.eu/; http://society.gisap.eu/; http://tech.gisap.eu/;
- the general site of the journals — http://journals.gisap.eu/;
- the website of the World Federation of Scientific Analytics — http://federation.gisap.eu/;
- the International Scientific Register «Socrates — Notion» — http://socrates-notion.iashe.eu/;
- “The Book of the Wise Men” — http://book.gisap.eu/;
- the platform of the additional education “uHive” — http://uhive.gisap.eu/;
- the platform for the interactive exhibitions — http://expo.iuci.eu/.
All the websites of the Academy have been initially created when the UK (the IASHE base country) was the EU member, and thus they all had “eu” domain name. Due to the UK leaving the EU (Brexit) the Academy had to re-register the entire array of its websites.
“GISAP: Earth and Space Sciences” (ISSN 2052-3890 ISSN 2052-644X);
- “GISAP: Philological Sciences” (ISSN 2053-1532, ISSN 2053-1540);
- “GISAP: Economics, Jurisprudence and Management” (ISSN 2053-6402, ISSN 2053-6410);
- “GISAP: Educational Sciences” (ISSN 2053-6429, ISSN 2053-6437);
- “GISAP: Technical Sciences, Construction and Architecture” (ISSN 2054-1155, ISSN 2054-1163);
- “GISAP: Culturology, Sports and Art History” (ISSN 2054-0809, ISSN 2054-0817);
- “GISAP: Biology, Veterinary Medicine and Agricultural Sciences” (ISSN 2054-1139, ISSN 2054-1147);
- “GISAP: Medical Science and Pharmacology” (ISSN 2053-7751, ISSN 2054-0795);
- “GISAP: History and Philosophy” (ISSN 2054-6467, ISSN 2054-6475);
- “GISAP: Sociological, Political and Military Sciences” (ISSN 2054-6440, ISSN 2054-6459);
- “GISAP: Psychological Sciences” (ISSN 2054-6505, ISSN 2054-6513);
- “GISAP: Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry” (ISSN 2054-6483, ISSN 2054-6491).
The project journals were indexed in the following scientometric databases: Zeitschriftendatenbank, Internet Archive, American Chemical Society CASM/CAPLUSSM, INDEX COPERNICUS INTERNATIONAL, Open Academic Journals Index, ORCID, Crossref, PubMed, Citefactor, Issuu, Ulrichsweb, BASE — Bielefeld University Library, eLIBRARY.RU, Google Scholar, ResearchBib, EBSCO.
At the moment of suspension of the project several journals were under registration in the Web of Science (Core Collection) and Scopus databases.
Despite the significant international scale of the GISAP project and in connection with the need to modernize it and to find strategic investors (partners) in order to develop the Academy’s initiatives, the following decisions were made:

to transform the GISAP project into the PlatoNicK project;

to suspend the implementation of the majority of the GISAP programs temporarily - until they are modernized completely;

to develop a business plan for the PlatoNicK project as well as other documents required to involve strategic investors in its implementation and improvement.
Particular educational and scientific programs of the IASHE are implemented within the framework of the PlatoNicK project at the moment. The list of these programs is available in the corresponding section of the website. And the entire array of such programs will be implemented in future jointly with the strategic partners of the Academy.
* — Scientific and analytical degrees of the IASHE formalize the periods of further education (improvement of educational, professional and scientific proficiency). They are not the analogues or substitutes for the traditional university degrees. Such competencies (educational programs) are basically the alternative tools for the development of the researcher’s educational and scientific status (knowledge and skills). In addition they are an exclusive form of recognition of achievements of scholars in the field of innovative intellectual creativity.