
Principles, iashe, academy

Publishing policy

What do we publish?


The strategy of the IASHE in the field of promulgation of the scientific creativity of scientists and popularization of scientific research includes the publication and distribution of a wide range of scientific literature, mostly international. 


Main products of the IASHE publishing activities:

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collections of scientific papers;

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scientific journals;

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scientific monographs;

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presentational scientific editions and encyclopedias;

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reference literature;

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opinion journalism;

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fiction (prose and poetry);

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fiction (prose and poetry);

All IASHE publications have a British identity and jurisdiction (UK ISBN and ISSN numbers).


IASHE acts as a consistent supporter of the principle of reasonable liberalization of scientific creativity and the maximum possible discharge of the process of execution and publication of studies from unneeded formalization and bureaucratic constraints. We believe that only unfettered development of scientific thought, based on the original researcher’s inspiration and improvisation is able to generate progressive intellectual innovations. Too strict standards of scientific activities and heavy formal requirements that do not ensure high quality of scientific studies, as a rule, wipe out the creativity, single-mindedness and courage of scientists. This is especially true for young researchers.


At the same time it is obvious that scientific studies have a specific nature related to the special social significance of scientific progress and the massive demand for scientific data not only from the side of formal science, but also from the side of education, culture and business. Thus it is clear that all scientific works (in addition to the criterion of unconditional belonging to the author) must meet the requirements of quality (narrative, grammatical, analytical quality and the reliability of the facts mentioned in the study) for the presented scientific reports. Therefore, in our opinion, the mass publication of scientific studies should include a preliminary objective control of compliance of such studies to the generally accepted standards of quality.


In conditions of a modern democracy the role of civil society in the initiation, development and regulation of the majority of large-scale social processes is undisputedly dominant. Science as the most significant branch of human activity, should become the field of an increased interest from the side of professional institutions of civil society. It is an open collegial opinion of open-minded professionals that should be considered to be the most objective and substantial assessment of any scientific work.


That is why the IASHE in its projects aims to use mechanisms of collective discussions and mutual assessment of studies and scientific achievements of scientists.


Rules of publication of literature


Rules of publications of all kinds of literary production of the IASHE are quite simple and can be consist of the following requirements:

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Undisputed authorship of scientific study (manuscript);

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Independence and innovativeness of the study (the author must personally state and present points of the study and also to provide their novelty - a contribution to science);

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Reliability of information and facts, referenced in the study (manuscript);

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Ensuring of grammatical and idiomatic compliance of the study with generally accepted standards;

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Guaranteed exclusion of immoral, offensive or other unlawful points from the scientific study (manuscript);

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Guaranteed substantive, methodological and analytical quality of the research from the point of view of common requirements, traditional for scientific works. In each case, taking the type of publication into account, this quality can be confirmed in the following ways: a) expert opinion; b) the collective opinion of colleagues; c) official review of specialists; d) reviews; e) conclusions of opponents; f) the presumption quality of original research, based on the prominence and prestige of the relevant scientist in the scientific community. Taking the nature of its activities into account, the IASHE prefers international guarantees of the quality of scientific studies;

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Compliance with the minimum formal requirements (requirements to the design of the study or manuscript);

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Language efficiency. The IASHE does not consider a particular linguistic identity (identification) of studies (manuscripts) to be an advantage or disadvantage. Moreover, we believe that the language of the report can not and should not be the limiting factor for free publication of studies and recognition of professional achievements of their authors. In this regard, in all its projects the IASHE aims to create conditions to ensure the multilingual nature of communications between representatives of different countries. At the same time, sometimes, in order to ensure efficient implementation of objectives of certain publications, they are to be published in one language or in a limited number of languages.

An issue of financing of a publication of one or another study (manuscript) in every particular case may be resolved in one of the following ways: 

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Financing of publication by the author (customer). Any author of a study or an authorized person has a right to initiate the process of publications of reports (manuscripts).

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Financing of the IASHE issue. At the expense of its own or borrowed funds the Academy can carry out the publication of manuscripts, which have obvious innovative and progressive nature; in recognition of special contribution of an author to science and to the IASHE itself; as a previously announced award for winners of the IASHE projects; in case if the publication brings obvious commercial benefits.

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Financing of publication by a sponsor, investor or another third party.

Matters of reviewing and editing of the report (manuscript), published by the IASHE are resolved in every particular case depending on the type and aims of publication, its general quality and an agreement with the author.

Standard publishing programs of the Academy

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Publication of 12 specialized scientific journals (British ISSN) related to various branches of science, based on the results (papers) of the Academy's own scientific and analytical events

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Publication of 12 specialized scientific journals (British ISSN) related to various branches of science, based on the results (papers) of the third-party (external) scientific and analytical events organized by the third parties (not by the Academy)

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Publication of original monographs of individual authors and groups of authors (collections of papers) on any subject (British ISBN);

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Presentation publications on any subject;

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Reference and encyclopedic editions on any subject;

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Launching and publishing journals (British ISSN) and monographs (British ISBN) jointly with partners;

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Launching and implementing the literary projects aimed at creation of original works (different genres and types, and for different audiences) based on the ideas of individual initiators of such projects;

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Design, making-up, proofreading, scientific and literary editing, reviewing, illustrating, pre-printing and production of the final make-up pages for printing any materials in any publishing houses around the world;

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Organization of printing of literary works in any printing house around the world; delivering the finished printed products to the customer, as well as their distribution (optimal logistics).