
Concept and explanation of the name “PlatoNicK”: “PlatoNicK-SE” / “PlatoNicK- ScieResЕduSt”; PlatoNicK [Plato- Platonic-Nick- Knowledge]; SE [Scientific research — Educational study (“ScieRes” — “EduSt”)]
PlatoNicK is an innovative original project aimed at creation and development of an alternative and completely self-sufficient scientific and educational environment (reality) on a global scale. This is an environment where innovative intellectual creativity is recognized and further improved. This environment is effective, self-organizing, exciting and prestigious. It is open to the public and stimulating the progressive research!
It is about:
- Developing the brand new offline and online forms of implementation of scientific processes and innovations;
- Fighting formalism, bureaucracy, corruption, discrimination and the lack of progressive originality in the scientific and educational spheres;
- Bringing beneficial open competition and objective (collegial) comparative expertise of quality into to the scientific environment;
- Stimulating and encouraging (rewarding) creative work of researchers-innovators;
- Popularizing science and education;
- Providing the general public with free access to scientific and educational processes and resources;
- Developing and implementing new forms and methods of education;
- Organizing global scientific events;
- Unifying the international scientific community;
- Ensuring international intellectual partnerships and cooperation between scholars;
- Publishing the scientific papers;
- Recognizing and professionally assessing the scientific and educational qualifications and scientific studies on the international level;
- Promoting the practical implementation of innovations;
- Facilitating the international mobility of scholars;
More about the PlatoNicK project
Currently, the PlatoNicK project is being prepared for cooperation with the strategic investors. The project business plan is under development.
More about the PlatoNicK project business plan