Scientific monographs: mechanism of publication and requirements to manuscripts
Throughout the history of science, there have been many examples of how outstanding discoveries in various fields of knowledge became the outcome of creative efforts of unique researchers. Often these people worked far from walls of universities, and sometimes they did not have any field-specific degrees or even basic academic education.
However, ardent love for science, dedication, self-discipline, diligence and creative inspiration, together with the necessary analytical inclinations, allowed these thinkers thoroughly master professional educational disciplines, and in addition — make scientific breakthroughs, develop new knowledge and make their own historical contribution to the global development of mankind.
We are deeply convinced that a significant number of people are able to think in a progressive and non-standard way. And it means that many of them have inexhaustible scientific potential, which often remains undisclosed only due to absence of certain conditions and prerequisites.
The science itself, as the set of progressive and developing knowledge, does not tolerate unjustified restrictions, destructive formalism and injustice. A way to science should be open to everyone able and willing to expand new horizons of knowledge. However, sometimes life builds insurmountable obstacles for researchers, impeding realization of their talents and aspirations in the traditional form. Does it mean, that in such conditions one should give up trying to develop own scientific ideas? No way! It is necessary to look for new forms and methods to achieve the goals!
Therefore, we appeal to everyone possessing an inquisitive intellect, creative talents and the ability to present own thoughts reasonably: conduct research, write original papers, publish and discuss science with colleagues from around the world! Be daring, be brave, and move closer and closer to your dreams in the scientific field! Science can and has the right to exist not only in the framework of doctoral and research programs of universities, but also in an independent format of similar activity of professional communities and individual scholars.
The PlatoNicK project launched by the International Academy of Science and Higher Education offers you a set of effective tools and mechanisms for stimulation, support, organisation, assessment and formalization of original scientific creativity. This set of tools used to organise the scientific process we call the «Leeuwenhoek’s Laboratory»!
Come join us and become one of the scholars of our laboratory! Welcome!
PlatoNicK is a complex and multifaceted international system of interrelated scientific and educational programs and events. The PlatoNicK project is a modern mechanism of open access to the international scientific processes, resources for the educational qualification improvement and development of professional skills, offered for every progressive researcher out there.
Scientific and analytical programs of the project can be considered as auxiliary instruments supplementing the traditional educational and scientific programs of universities and other educational institutions, or as alternative ways to develop the academic and educational qualification of persons concerned, able and willing to think in a creative way.
All programs of the PlatoNicK project are functionally interconnected. Together they form a complex of modern educational, scientific, communication-related, expert, certification-related, documentary, and publication tools and procedures.
Effective implementation of such programs provides:

authoritative recognition and objective assessment of scientific and educational qualifications;

development of educational level and professional qualification of project participants;

stimulation of scientific creativity;

ensuring the international mobility of students, scientists, teachers and practitioners;

academic and professional recognition of quality of education;

recognition of scientific achievements;

development of competitive advantages and authority in the labour market and in the professional environment;

free access to scientific and educational resources for everyone interested;

international promotion of science.
The core of our project is the creativity of researchers. We believe that a scientist is not just a holder of the university degree or an applicant for it. For us a scientist is a person able and willing to think progressively, create innovations and share them with the world. That is why in our project the age, nationality, profession, and status of participants do not matter. The project is free from formalism, bureaucracy and biases. Outside the university chairs and laboratories there are many talented researchers, who find traditional forms of participation in the scientific process impossible to engage in.
Main objectives of the PlatoNicK project:

globalisation and popularisation of science;

ensuring free access to scientific processes and resources for scholars from around the world;

overcoming the barriers to accessing the most prestigious and powerful educational resources;

stimulation of scientific creativity and development of innovations, as well as the global social progress;

fighting the destructive bureaucracy and unnecessary formalism in the scientific environment and education;

overcoming the international disunity of science and education, and stimulation of cooperation between national scientific and educational systems;

establishment of a brand new, available and universal system of certification of knowledge and qualification through expert assessment of scientific works;

providing the interested persons with free access to the international system of stimulation of scientific creativity, improvement and assessment of the knowledge and qualification level;

creation of universal international mechanisms for promoting the academic and professional mobility;