Actual Format

In this section of the site, we indicate the currently valid (actual) formats and special modes (which differ from the standard rules) of the implementation of individual programs of the Academy’s projects. Existing programs that are not specified in this section are implemented according to standard rules.

Conferences, science analytics championships, educational and scientific programs, publications of the Academy:
- Events (conferences, championships) of the project are held year-round and continuously in three four-month sessions, in 7 sections and in 12 scientific areas;
- Author’s articles (reports) for participation in the programs of the project and publication can be submitted at any time.
- Printed interdisciplinary or sectoral collections of scientific works are published as the required amount of quality material for publication is accumulated (ISBN of the printed edition).
- Materials for publication are submitted in English (required) and native (optional) languages of the author;
- Submitted articles (reports) are posted for review, discussion and evaluation in a special blog of the Academy;
- Electronic interdisciplinary or sectoral collections of scientific papers (ISBN of the electronic edition) are formed after the publication of the first scientific works in them. Therefore, immediately after the expert admission of any research (article, report) to publication, such work is already published in the electronic edition of the Academy;
- The best articles (reports) based on the results of the events are published in the specialized scientific journals of the Academy (ISSN, scientometric indexing);
- Special “doctoral” (attestation) collections are published, in which research (articles, reports) of persons participating in educational, doctoral, academic or professorial programs are purposefully published;
- Materials of events and publications are archived and are permanently available in electronic form;
- Information about the results of the events and the implementation of programs is published in special blogs and on the official website of the Academy;
- Payment for participation in the events and programs of the Academy is carried out in accordance with the information provided by the managers of the Academy.
- Scientific events of the “PlatoNicK” project

The program of expert certification of the quality of products (goods and services) under the auspices of the Institute of Business of the IASHE (standard "ICSQ-775") is implemented in the same mode as specified in clause I. Additionally, the official YouTube channel of the Academy is used. Please get a consultation from the IASHE managers.

The program of the Institute of Business of the IASHE for accreditation of high-quality products, as well as founders and managers of effective business projects in various nominations is implemented in the same mode as specified in clause I. Additionally, the official YouTube channel of the Academy is used. Please get a consultation from the IASHE managers.

The program of patenting innovations (novelty, primacy (priority), innovativeness and practical applicability of the results of creative activity) according to the “IOSCEAAD-775” standard is implemented in the same mode as specified in clause I. Additionally, the official YouTube channel of the Academy is used. Please get a consultation from the IASHE managers.

The program of Trade and Industrial Exhibitions “Progressive quality XXI” under the auspices of the Institute of Business of the IASHE is implemented in the same mode as specified in clause I. Additionally, the official YouTube channel of the Academy is used. Please get a consultation from the IASHE managers.

The program for the formation of international and national ratings “Top 100 leaders of the international quality standard” under the auspices of the Institute of Business of the IASHE is implemented in the same mode as specified in clause I. Additionally, the official YouTube channel of the Academy is used. Please get a consultation from the IASHE managers.