Quality certification

Operative certification of the quality of products (goods, services, technologies) is implemented under the auspices of the Institute of Business of the IASHE
Operative certification — is the procedure of authoritative scientific-practical and professional expertise of goods, services, technologies, business management systems, as well as personal knowledge and qualifications, implemented with observance of general principles of the ICSQ-775 standard certification. At the same time operative certification is characterized by significant liberalization of conditions and facilitation of the certification procedure implementation.
Operative certification is carried out in full correspondence with established rules of the ICSQ-775 standard certification taking the below noted differences into account.
In particular, operative certification is carried out only within the expert assessment category of the “Foundation” level. It has the following implementation mechanism:
- Status of the official manufacturer (owner) or seller.
- Application-form of the initiator;
- Contract between the initiator and the IASHE;
- Agreement on accession to the project “ICSQ-775” on terms officially announced by the IASHE.
- Goods, services, technologies, business management systems, personal knowledge and qualifications.
- Determination of the certification object quality level or correspondence to international quality standards.
- Standard specimen of the examined object (if it can be provided);
- Photos of the certification object (photos of all key qualitative features of the object);
- Video review of the certification object (if the expert council considers it necessary);
- Electronic copies of various documents, verifying the status and quality of the certification object, as well as recommendations related to this object, provided by various institutions;
- Description and main characteristics of the examined object, as well as additional explanations necessary in order to carry out the independent expertise (in English and Russian).
- Materials, submitted for the expert assessment and intended for public access, are uploaded to the relevant section of the website of the IASHE;
- General expert examination of the object (certification approval or denial) and recommendation of the certification mark (5-grade system, determining the level of assigned “stars”) is made by qualified sectoral specialists from around the world (Professional Expert Council) invited by the IASHE.
- Final level of the certification mark is determined by the open expertise. Sectoral specialists accepted by the IASHE can take part in it. General negative conclusion of the open expertise lowers the recommended level of the certification mark given by the Professional Expert Council by 1 grade. General positive conclusion made by 2/3 of the general number of votes rises it by 1 grade. Open expertise takes place during the calendar year after the statement of the general expert mark of the object by the Professional Expert Council.
- Standard duration of the expertise is 1 calendar month;
- Accelerated expertise — 15 calendar days;
- Final result of the certification is determined following the open expertise results as the calendar year after the statement of the general expert mark of the object by the Professional Expert Council ends.
Certification is the expert procedure. Its result is based on the objective professional assessment. It cannot be known ahead.
Affirmation of certification results:
- International certificate of quality;
- Certification mark (medal);
- Right to place the certification mark on the object and documents related to the object;
- Publication of information about the object and certification results in the IASHE Certification Bulletin.
- If physical condition of the certified object remains unchanged, results of the certification may be used for the verification of the status of such an object during the period of 3 years.
- Admission of the certified object of commercial purpose to interactive participation (exposition) in the regional section of constantly functioning International commercial and industrial exhibition of the IASHE (London, UK) titled “Progressive quality XXI” during the current year — on the website of the IASHE.
- Nomination for the status of the exhibition diploma-holder with presentation of the relevant medal.
- Verification of the determined quality of the object by the decision of the American International Commercial and Arbitration Court (AICAC, USA).
- Presentation of goods or services for marketing in the regional e-shop of the IASHE (wholesale or retail).
- Presentation of goods or services for international marketing on the IASHE “Selling space” (wholesale or retail).
- the cost of certification of quality of goods, services, technologies, business management systems – € 2000.0;
- the cost of certification of quality of artworks – € 100 to 800.0 (depending on the scale and complexity of the expert assessment of the object);
- the cost of certification of personal knowledge and qualification quality – € 200 to 500.0 (depending on the scale and complexity of the expert assessment of the object);
- the cost of certification of local scientific studies quality – € 200.0, large-scale scientific studies – € 500.0;
- the cost of certification of correspondence to international standards of quality of animals and plants – € 100 to 500.0 (depending on the scale and complexity of the expert assessment of the object).
- participation in the International commercial and industrial exhibition of the IASHE – € 1200.0
- legalization of the certification status by the AICAC decision – € 1500.0
- presentation of goods or services for marketing in the regional e-shop of the IASHE (wholesale or retail) – € 300.0 a year + 5 % from the cost of objects sold
- presentation of goods or services for international marketing on the IASHE “Selling space” (wholesale or retail) – € 500.0 a year + 5 % from the cost of objects sold.
Payment for certification services and additional procedures is made on conditions of 100% prepayment or with installment of date, assuming the final payment not later than three days before the service or procedure implementation ending.
- The IASHE bears limited responsibility for determination of high qualitative parameters of the object in correspondence with the general rules of the ICSQ-775 standard on condition of absolute honesty of the certification initiator in matters of submission of information necessary for holding the certification expertise.
- Any interested person may address the IASHE with the reasonable application (Note) concerning the discovered mismatch between the certified object and the determined quality standard. If such application is satisfied by the Professional Expert Council of the IASHE, it may become the basis for cancellation of certification of the relevant object.
- Any interested person addressing the IASHE concerning initiation of the expertise or impugnment of its results, accepts the “Agreement on accession to the project “ICSQ-775” on terms officially announced by the IASHE” and therefore becomes the participant of the indicated project on terms formulated in this agreement.
Information about the general mechanism and rules of the ICSQ-775 certification is provided at the special request of the interested person.