Academic programs

The scientific and analytical academic programs of the Academy are implemented in the framework of the PLATONICK project. They have the educational nature and assume the certification of the level of knowledge of persons concerned in order to determine the correspondence of these to the status titles of the Academy. These programs first of all have the status significance, as their educational contents are strictly connected with the process of academic certification, and are based on the special regulations of the Academy.
The process of acquisition of the academic title in the Academy significantly differs from the similar procedures implemented by other academic institutions.
In our Academy the status is not granted for some former achievements or different kinds of merits. One has to earn it directly in the process of scientific interaction with the Academy. This means equal opportunities in acquiring the full membership and the academic status for all scholars, regardless of their age status and the place of residence.
The following status titles can be acquired within the system of the Academy:
Corresponding member of the Academy;
Full member of the Academy — academician.
The status-titles of the Academy can be acquired only by participants of the PLATONICK project, which have earned the following amounts of credits in championships in scientific analytics of the corresponding year:
in order to become the Corresponding member of the Academy – 1500 credits;
in order to become the Full member of the Academy – 2000 credits.
Persons applying for the status titles must occupy the prize-winning places in the alpha-championship (within the field specific section) or in the absolute championship (within the scientific branch) of the corresponding year.
In accordance with the regulations of the Academy, the status titles are not unconditional and permanent titles. Their holders must systematically confirm their personal scientific activity and efficiency. In particular, holders of the status title “Corresponding member of the Academy” must confirm their titles every year by accumulating not less than 300 credits and receiving two winner diplomas of any kind. The Academician must accumulate not less than 500 credits every year and receive at least three winner diplomas of any kind. If holders of these status titles comply with these requirements, they will receive the Golden title marks every year. These title marks must be pasted on the diplomas of the Corresponding member or the Academician, thereby extending the period of validity of these documents.
Corresponding members of the Academy have the status of the affiliated members of the Academy. They take part in activities of the Scientific Congress of the Academy with the advisory capacity.
Full members of the Academy or the Academicians possess all the rights of the participant of the Scientific Congress with the voting rights corresponding to the title category.
If a person is able to confirm the status title of the Corresponding member of the Academy for three years in a row, such person will automatically become the Academician.
Considering that sometimes it’s much easier to obtain a prestigious title, then to keep it by systematically confirming the high-level of scientific achievements, in the structure of the Academy one can find the internal hierarchy of the Academicians. This formal differentiation reflects the long period and large scale of successful scientific activities of a certain person
The title categories of academicians:
a person who is able to confirm the status title of the Academician for three years in a row has the third title category Trоpos-Academician, or the Sapphire Academician with one voice at the meetings of the Scientific Congress;
a person who is able to confirm the status title of the Academician for 4-5 years in a row has the second title category Stratum-Academician, or the Emerald Academician with 1.5 voices at the meetings of the Scientific Congress;
a person who is able to confirm the status title of the Academician for 6-7 years in a row has the first title category Mesos-Academician, or the Ruby Academician with 2 voices at the meetings of the Scientific Congress;
a person who is able to confirm the status title of the Academician for 8-9 years in a row has the highest title category Therme-Academician, or the Diamond Academician with 2.5 voices at the meetings of the Scientific Congress;
a person who is able to confirm the status title of the Academician for 10 years in a row has the highest title category Exo-Academician, or the Brilliant Academician with 3 voices at the meetings of the Scientific Congress;
In connection with acquisition of every next title category, the Academician receives the special diploma and the award pin.
A person who fails to confirm his or her status title still can add the corresponding academic title to the list of his or her personal characteristics and achievements but with the prefix “Ex-”.
A person who fails to confirm his or her status title can compensate such termination of membership in the Academy and renew the membership by accumulating not less than 1000 credits in any subsequent year and reaching the prize-winning place in the alpha championship of any level at the end of the corresponding year.
Academic status titles of the Academy are formalized by the standard and the wall-mounted diplomas. In the framework of the certification programs all qualifications are formalized by the Europass Diploma Supplement and the Europass Mobility.
The bibliographic scientific and analytical academic programs and the bibliographic scientific and analytical doctoral programs are based on the same principles and basic rules.
However the bibliographic scientific and analytical academic programs have some certain specific peculiarities. Let’s consider these:
The applicant is the holder of the academic (granted by the University) or the scientific and analytical doctoral degree;
Qualification (status title) acquired after successful completion of the program is the Full member of the Academy or the Academician of the third title category Trоpos-Academician with the suffix “biblio”;
The applicant, who has managed to complete this program, doesn’t have to confirm this status title every year.
The basic requirements for successful completion of the bibliographic scientific and analytical academic program are the following: at least 50 publications, 25 of which must be published in the PLATONICK project. Under the certification format of the program the average expert assessment score of the scientific papers must be 7.5 and over.
The certification format of the bibliographic academic program has certain educational load. It assumes international professional assessment of the level of knowledge and the scientific qualification of the corresponding scholar. Under the certification format of the program, in addition to the academic diploma the applicant is also provided with the Europass system documents.
The bibliographic scientific and analytical academic programs and the bibliographic scientific and analytical doctoral programs are based on the same principles and basic rules.
However the bibliographic scientific and analytical academic programs have some certain specific peculiarities. Let’s consider these:
The applicant is the holder of the academic (granted by the University) or the scientific and analytical doctoral degree;
Qualification (status title) acquired after successful completion of the program is the Full member of the Academy or the Academician of the third title category Trоpos-Academician with the suffix “biblio”;
The applicant, who has managed to complete this program, doesn’t have to confirm this status title every year.
The basic requirements for successful completion of the bibliographic scientific and analytical academic program are the following: at least 50 publications, 25 of which must be published in the PLATONICK project. Under the certification format of the program the average expert assessment score of the scientific papers must be 7.5 and over.
The certification format of the bibliographic academic program has certain educational load. It assumes international professional assessment of the level of knowledge and the scientific qualification of the corresponding scholar. Under the certification format of the program, in addition to the academic diploma the applicant is also provided with the Europass system documents.der the certification format of the program, in addition to the academic diploma the applicant is also provided with the Europass system documents.