
Research analytics federations
Another fundamental goal of the IASHE is the formation of the organizational system for global association of scientists, support and development of active communications and professional cooperation of scholars.
Moreover, according to the basic principles of the IASHE, such organizational system must not be too formal, meaningless or inactive. It must have clear and potentially achievable goals. At the same time operations of this international organization must be based on free will and self-organization of scholars, appointment of managerial bodies by election, joint decision making.
This idea will be realized by the IASHE through the initiation of national and international Research analytics federations.
Research analytics federations of various countries and continents, as well as the World Research Analytics Federation are public associations created for the following purposes:
- geographic and status organization (consolidation) of participants of the PLATONICK project;
- representation and protection of collective interests of the project participants;
- representation and protection of individual interests of federation members in the framework of his participation in research analytics championships of any level and type;
- organization of representative interaction of the project participants consolidated to federations with the IASHE;
- organization of interaction with other national and international research analytics federations and their members;
- foundation of mechanisms of development of systematic interaction and communication of the project participants;
- formation of research analytics national teams of various levels and representation of their interests in the project;
- collective elaboration of propositions to the IASHE to improve the PLATONICK project.
Federations are formed at the initiative or with the assistance of official partners of the IASHE — Administrators of relevant Federations. At the same time, governing bodies of Federations are selected directly by their members on democratic principles.
On the initial stage of their existence Federations do not have the status of legal entities, do not require state registration in relevant countries. A Federation acquires the official status from the moment a corresponding application (by an Administrator and not less than 10 members (founders) of the Federation), the Statute or Regulations adopted by the founders, are registered in the IASHE. Permanent registration of a Federation is confirmed by the IASHE Registration memorandum.
Legal regime of activities of Federations is the partnership (society in participation – agreement on joint activities with no legal entity registered). At the same time in future the efficient Federations may be officially registered and acquire a legal entity status — upon the approval of the IASHE.
Main directions of activity of the National Research Analytics Federation, based on its general goals:

Organizational consolidation of participants of the PLATONICK and other projects of the IASHE;

Formation of self-governing bodies of the Federation;

Representation and protection of interests of Federation members;

Delegation of representatives for participation in activities of International Research Analytics Federations;

All-round assistance to Federation members in the process of participation in the PLATONICK and other IASHE projects;

Organization and guiding of participation in the championship of the relevant continent and in the World research analytics championship of Federation national teams (national teams of an appropriate country) in thematic (within scientific sections), sectoral (within branches of science) and interdisciplinary (general scientific) categories;

Participation in the IASHE Federations Cup;

Holding of the National research analytics championship among club teams;

Annual determination and holding of awarding ceremonies for the best representatives of a country in categories: a) best scientist-analyst;b) best author of a scientific work; c) best author of popular scientific work; d) best author of educational literature; e) best educational institution; f) best publisher of scientific and educational literature; g) best inventor; h) best patron in the field of science and education; i) other categories, objectively related to the subject and goals of the IASHE, established on the initiative of the relevant Federation;

Publication of the National annual scientific collection «Golden book of scientific elite» and presentation of information about domestic scientists to be included into the digest «Diamond edges of the World science»;

Cooperation with sponsors and investors, ready to assist Federations in their activities and events;

Managing of the information box of the Federation on the website of the World research analytics Federation;

Target usage of official Federation attributes;

Other directions of activities, realization of which is to be agreed with the IASHE.
More information on the functioning of the research analytics federations is offered in the presentations of the IASHE (available on the website) and is provided at the special request of the interested persons.